Well first of all, as you can see below I have many items I have been meaning to post for awhile, but haven't gotten around to it until now. I'll start out by wishing everyone a very Happy Valentines Day! We're planning on spending our day with the kids. Apparently Kyle and Allicia have planned a special surprise for Dave and I. So later today John and Nancy (Dave's parents) will be helping them prepare their big surprise. I can't wait to see what they have planned. I hope all of you have as much fun on your Valentines Day as we will on ours.
Lots of Love ~ Theresa, Dave, Kyle, Allicia and Ava
My Big Helper!
My next post I find very humorous! Yesterday morning I asked Kyle if he could help me out by changing Ava's diaper, he of course said yes......so I was very happy. He did his thing and then went on with his business getting ready for school, etc. Later that morning after he had left for school Ava had another messy pants. So, I went to change it and when I took off her pj's this is what I found! (Picture on the left)

I couldn't help myself from laughing. As you can see the diaper is on all kittywampass and almost falling off. Kyle is obviously a rookie at diaper changing. I posted the second picture (on the right...a diaper changed my me) so you can compare and see just how funny his diaper really looked. Anyway....I just had to post this to get a few laughs, but I do want to say....I am very thankful for all of the help Kyle and Allicia give me with little miss Ava, even if it isn't always top notch work. :)
Student of the Quarter!
Kyle was nominated Student of the Quarter for 2nd quarter by his Advisory, Language Arts, Reading and Science Teacher, Mr Paul. Yesterday they held an assembly and small awards banquet for all of the students receiving this award and the award for Most Improved for 2nd quarter. Again, I was a very proud Mom to see and hear how well Kyle does in school. After the awards ceremony several of his teachers came up to us congratulating him and telling me how much they enjoy having Kyle in class. Way to go Kyle! Keep up the good work!

All 6th Grade students who were nominated for Student of the Quarter.
Caught in the Act!
My next post is kind-of a fun one. Most of the time Kyle and Allicia like to act as if they do not enjoy each others company, but below is proof that they really do like to have fun together.