It was a great season and he had a lot of fun. On Sunday they played their last game winning the consolation game. Kyle ended his season with a .643 batting average, which was the 2nd highest on the team. Way to go Kyle! I wish I could have been there to see your last game of the season!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Last Saturday was an eventful day at our house. Kyle had an early morning baseball game as part of the playoffs tournament. Dave got up early and took him to practice and then headed out to meet friends for a round of golf. I stayed home with the girls so they could sleep in a little longer and then we were planning on going to Kyle's 8:00 am game. We got up and ready for the day and all was good. I packed the diaper bag, ran it out to the van and then came in to get Ava and Alli. Allicia ran downstairs to get one last minute thing and I slipped on my flip flops, with Ava in my arms and stepped into the garage! That is when it happened! All it took was 1 simple step and I felt my leg just go. Before I knew it Ava and I were on the ground and I was in EXTREME pain! All I could do was scream. Ava was crying and I was screaming. Allicia came running to see what was wrong...I told her she had to call the ambulance. She was such a big girl and stayed calm. She called 911 and did everything she was supposed to. The neighbors eventually heard me screaming and came to help as well. Ava ended up only having a bruise on her face, but I dislocated my ankle and broke my leg in 3 places. I ended up having surgery, placing 2 metal plates and many screws in my leg. It has been beyond painful and for the next 12 weeks I will be off work and recovering! It is funny how one simple step can change our life so fast.
Ava's Boo Boo!
Mommy's Boo Boo!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ava's "House"
Lately Ava likes to include others in whatever task it is that she may be doing. She typically yells your name and then points next to her so whoever she is yelling for knows to come by her. Last night when were at Grandma and Grandpa's she seemed to think everyone had to play in her house with her. As you can see from the pictures below, there is not much room in her little house.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Lazy Days of Summer...
The kids relaxing in the hammock while we cut down branches at Dave's parents. I have proof they love eachother.
Don't you wish you looked this cute sleeping with you butt in the air??
Ava and Kyle snuggling together. That morning he had to lay with her because I was outside having a rummage sale and I didn't want her to wake up and not have anyone around. He said that he woke up to her sitting on his chest with her head in his face welling...."Kylo, Kylo!" trying to wake him up.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A Summer of Storms....
This year there have been MANY storms in our area. Thankfully we haven't had anything too bad in our neighborhood, but a tornado did touch down in NW Rochester.
With all the storms and windy weather, Dave's parents, along with the kids have been spending a lot of time picking up branches and sticks. They have also been experiencing issues with their satellite TV because the trees have filled out over the past couple of years and when the wind starts blowing, the TV signal is interrupted.
With that said, Dave decided to take care of this issue and cut down some branches and it was quite the production. Thankfully everyone stayed safe and we only lost a few plants out of their garden.
With all the storms and windy weather, Dave's parents, along with the kids have been spending a lot of time picking up branches and sticks. They have also been experiencing issues with their satellite TV because the trees have filled out over the past couple of years and when the wind starts blowing, the TV signal is interrupted.
With that said, Dave decided to take care of this issue and cut down some branches and it was quite the production. Thankfully everyone stayed safe and we only lost a few plants out of their garden.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Weekend of the 4th
Wow, where does time is already past the 4th of July, it seems crazy to think summer is almost half over? And although the weekend went by way too fast, we had a lot of fun while it lasted.
Friday we put up the tent in our backyard and I slept out there with Allicia, her friend Ashley and Ava. We had a camp fire, roasted smores, and then played Phase 10 until we were too tired to keep our eyes open any longer.
Saturday we went to Dodge Center swimming with my Dear friend Kate. The girls had a great time and were very tired by the time we got home.
Monday we just relaxed and enjoyed a low key summer day before going back to work on Tuesday.
Friday we put up the tent in our backyard and I slept out there with Allicia, her friend Ashley and Ava. We had a camp fire, roasted smores, and then played Phase 10 until we were too tired to keep our eyes open any longer.
Saturday we went to Dodge Center swimming with my Dear friend Kate. The girls had a great time and were very tired by the time we got home.
Sunday we spent the day in the ER with Ava, she ended up running a high fever and getting a sore throat. She was a trooper though and even enjoyed the fireworks later that night.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Father's Day 2010
On Father’s Day the kids and I did a lot of cooking. We started the morning with egg bake and bagels from Panera for brunch, then had BBQ ribs for supper. We also made each of the Dad’s a dessert. Nancy made a chocolate dessert for Dave; I made banana cream pie for my Dad and Dave’s Dad, and lemon meringue pie for my brother-in-law Josh. We spent the evening enjoying the weather playing a few yard games and listening to great entertainment. See the videos below.
Beau Singing from Theresa Freese on Vimeo.
Josh and Brynn Singing from Theresa Freese on Vimeo.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Rochesterfest 2010
This year we went to Family Night at Rochesterfest for the first time. Usually we go down and eat at least one of the nights and this year it happened to be Family Fun Night. Ava and Allicia played at some of the stations…and fun was had by all!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Mexico 2010
A few weeks ago we went on a family vacation back to Mexico. Ever since the wedding we have been itching to take the kids back there. We were so excited to have a relaxing vacation with the kids at the beach and that is exactly what we had. On arrival I was informed by Dave and the kids that they did NOT want to plan anything the entire time we were there….so our plan for the vacation was NOT to plan…and it worked out perfect. The entire family was perfectly content sitting next to the pool sipping on delicious blended drinks.
Some of the other highlights from the trip were playing in the sand and the ocean, painting pottery, daily Latin dancing (this was my favorite), yoga, water aerobics, eating, and getting a lot of sun (too much for some of the family).
Part of our package included an hour massage for each of us, 15 minute reflexology and $30.00 each to put towards a spa package. We both ended up spending close to 3 hours each at the spa on one of the days. It worked out perfect for me to hang out the kids while Dave went and then he hung out with the kids while I was away. It was SOOO relaxing and perfect!
And a few stories from the trip….Kyle completed one of the items on his bucket list…apparently he wanted to skinny dip in the ocean, so he did. Allicia learned to Latin dance with Mom and caught a ton of little crabs when she was looking for shells on the beach, and Ava was taught to say Ola by one of the bar tenders at the swim up bar.
The only down fall to the vacation was that it had to end! The kids are already asking when we can go back. We’re hoping the next family vacation is Singapore……get ready for us Carolyn and Lionel!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Summer Update
As you can tell I have been really bad about posting lately, the summer has been busy and full of fun activities to blog about, but the problem is trying to find the time to actually post them.
So here I am finally finding time to blog. I am hoping to update you on everything in the weeks to come, so bear with me and we will see if that happens.
So a little update starting with Kyle, he has been busy mowing lawns to raise money for his Washington DC and New York trip in March. We have had a VERY rainy summer so far, so it has been quite a challenge trying to find time between rain showers and baseball games to fit in all the lawns he needs to mow, but he has done it and we are very proud of him for working so hard. As I mentioned he is also playing baseball. His team is having an awesome year….I am really hopeful that they will make it to the championships at the end of the season, but we will see.
As for summer activities, Allicia finished up Soccer at the beginning of June and then started her first season of baseball. She is on a team with mostly boys, but she doesn’t seem to care. For her first year she is doing an awesome job, I’m not sure she likes the sport as much as her brother, but at least she is giving it a try and having fun. Next year, I hope to put her on a girls’ softball team if she is interested. I didn’t know that they had a league this year or that is what I would have signed her up for.
On to Ava…she loves spending her days with her Grandma and Grandpa and Kyle and Allicia. They play outside most of the day and she does not stop. Many days she will not even take a break for a nap. She is too worried that she will miss out on something fun they are all doing. She goes and goes all day long and since we spend Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday night’s at a ball field, most nights she is running non-stop as well. She just loves watching her Dad and Kyle and Allicia play ball. She cheers for them yelling their names non-stop and when I say non-stop that is what I mean. She says their names over and over and over. The rest of the crowd probably gets sick of her yelling. It is kind-of funny! So other than running and playing outside she hasn’t done much. She is definitely growing up and getting to be such a little girl. She talks like crazy and copies everything you say….so far we haven’t taught her any naughty words, but I am sure that day is coming. Her favorites right now are puppies, bubbles, the moon, Kyle, Grandma and Grandpa, the silky edge of her blanky, her passy, and snuggling (laying on top of and kicking) Mom at night.
As I mentioned, Ava just adores her big brother (and sister). The other night, Ava was sleeping in our bed, Dave went to move her into her bed and just as he was tucking her into bed she started smacking her lips and in her sleep said, “Ah, Kyyyooo. “ Dave said it was the cutest thing ever…..since then she has done it a few more times. I guess we know she dreams about her big brother in her sleep. Kyle of course loves it that she adores him so much.
So I guess that is the latest information on the kids, as for Dave and I. Dave’s been busy with softball Tuesday and Friday’s. Other than that it has been the normal day to day of working and running after kids…which we wouldn’t want it to be any other way.
So here I am finally finding time to blog. I am hoping to update you on everything in the weeks to come, so bear with me and we will see if that happens.
So a little update starting with Kyle, he has been busy mowing lawns to raise money for his Washington DC and New York trip in March. We have had a VERY rainy summer so far, so it has been quite a challenge trying to find time between rain showers and baseball games to fit in all the lawns he needs to mow, but he has done it and we are very proud of him for working so hard. As I mentioned he is also playing baseball. His team is having an awesome year….I am really hopeful that they will make it to the championships at the end of the season, but we will see.
Allicia has had a busy summer as well. Dave’s Mom Nancy, retired at the beginning of June, so now the kids are home with Dave’s Parents during the day. With that said Allicia has spent much of her summer helping Nancy and John run around and take after Ava. She has been such a big helper. Some days she has given them a run for her money with her red headed temper (not sure where she gets that from), but for the most part, she has been a big helper.
As for summer activities, Allicia finished up Soccer at the beginning of June and then started her first season of baseball. She is on a team with mostly boys, but she doesn’t seem to care. For her first year she is doing an awesome job, I’m not sure she likes the sport as much as her brother, but at least she is giving it a try and having fun. Next year, I hope to put her on a girls’ softball team if she is interested. I didn’t know that they had a league this year or that is what I would have signed her up for.
On to Ava…she loves spending her days with her Grandma and Grandpa and Kyle and Allicia. They play outside most of the day and she does not stop. Many days she will not even take a break for a nap. She is too worried that she will miss out on something fun they are all doing. She goes and goes all day long and since we spend Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday night’s at a ball field, most nights she is running non-stop as well. She just loves watching her Dad and Kyle and Allicia play ball. She cheers for them yelling their names non-stop and when I say non-stop that is what I mean. She says their names over and over and over. The rest of the crowd probably gets sick of her yelling. It is kind-of funny! So other than running and playing outside she hasn’t done much. She is definitely growing up and getting to be such a little girl. She talks like crazy and copies everything you say….so far we haven’t taught her any naughty words, but I am sure that day is coming. Her favorites right now are puppies, bubbles, the moon, Kyle, Grandma and Grandpa, the silky edge of her blanky, her passy, and snuggling (laying on top of and kicking) Mom at night.
As I mentioned, Ava just adores her big brother (and sister). The other night, Ava was sleeping in our bed, Dave went to move her into her bed and just as he was tucking her into bed she started smacking her lips and in her sleep said, “Ah, Kyyyooo. “ Dave said it was the cutest thing ever…..since then she has done it a few more times. I guess we know she dreams about her big brother in her sleep. Kyle of course loves it that she adores him so much.
So I guess that is the latest information on the kids, as for Dave and I. Dave’s been busy with softball Tuesday and Friday’s. Other than that it has been the normal day to day of working and running after kids…which we wouldn’t want it to be any other way.
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