Well, let this be an warning to everyone. This morning while I was in the shower getting ready for work, I started smelling smoke. Kyle was still home from school,so I had him look around to see if he could see where it was coming from. He couldn't find anything and said it was only in the bathroom where I was. So, I finished washing my hair and got out. By that time the smell was stronger and I was starting to think that it might be the vent in our bathroom. So I went and put on my clothes. When I came out of my dressing room I could see the smoke filling the entire upstairs. I started to look some more and yelled at Allicia to get upstairs. I noticed smoke coming out of the corner cupboard in my kitchen, so I grabbed the phone and decided it was getting pretty bad, so we should get out of the house. As I was leaving the house, I was debating on who to call or what to do, but as I looked back into the house filled with smoke I knew I had to call the fire department. A couple minutes later they arrived and sure enough we had a small fire that started in our laundry room. Thankfully I was home and caught it before we had a lot of damage. The fireman told me it was a good thing I hadn't left for work, because our house would have been gone! Our only loss was a laundry basket, a paint can and Maddie's bed cover.

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