I can't believe how fast the last 12 weeks have gone. On Monday Ava will be 12 weeks old and I have to go back to work. For now Ava will be spending her days at home with Grandparents because we couldn't find a daycare available until September. So for the next couple months Grandpa Freese will watch Ava on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. She will be with my Mom on Wednesdays and Thursdays until June, because Grandpa has to work at the golf course. Then Dave's Mom will take over for my Mom on Wednesdays and Thursdays until September. Thank goodness for great Grandparents, huh?!?
I have mixed feelings about going back. It will be hard to leave my baby, but I miss having adult interaction as well. I do know it will definitely be a challenge trying to balance, work, baby, breastfeeding, and spring sports for Kyle and Allicia. The next couple weeks will be an adjustment trying to figure out our new schedule, that's for sure! It sure would be nice if Ava started to sleep through the night...I'm really hoping that starts to happen soon, but I guess we will see.
Other than that, Ava is really growing fast and starting to get really fun. She is always full of smiles and has even started to giggle...it is so cute. We have tried to get it on video, but every time we get the camera out she stops. I'm hoping to catch it on film soon and will be sure to post it when we do.
BTW...we sure did enjoy the weather this past week. I am so glad we could enjoy it, at least a little bit, before I had to go back to work. Below is Ava in her stroller...we've been going on a lot of walks.