Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm a Mother to a Teenager?!?!?
Lots of Love,
(Sorry for the picture quality...we didn't have digital pictures back then and I had to scan them from his scrapbook.)

Ava's 7 months old....wait a minute, didn't I just post last week that she was 6 months old.

This was Ava enjoying a bike ride we took last weekend.
And last but not least, this is Ava wearing her brothers football helmet. Doesn't she look adorable in it???
Ava's latest accomplishments are mastering crawling, eating more and more solid foods. She likes most fruits, except Apples, and red colored vegetables. She is not a fan of anything green. You can always tell when she is getting full or doesn't like something because she sticks out her tongue and starts to gag or starts blowing bubbles spitting it every where. Kyle and Allicia seem to think this is hilarious and of course that just encourages her to do it more.
She has also started trying to pull herself up on things....she hasn't quite mastered this yet, but it is coming. Nothing is safe in the house anymore.
We have also started Ava on medicine for acid reflux. We took her to the doctor earlier this week and it seems to be helping. She has been sleeping better, for the most part, and is a lot less restless than she was. Allicia had acid reflux as a baby too, so it must be something that runs in our family. Thankfully she out grew it and doesn't seem to have issues anymore. We're hoping Ava does as well.
Other than chasing after a busy baby, we have been busy trying to enjoy the rest of summer. Kyle has started football practice and is eating us out of house and home. He is a bottomless pit now that football has started. Allicia continues to enjoy playing with her friends as much as possible. We signed her up for dance which will start once school begins. Next week we have meet the teacher day for both kids and then we will be off on a family vacation to Vegas! We're super excited to spend some time by the pool, where hopefully it is HOT and plan on seeing the Lion King. There are several of us going from Dave's family so it should be a great time. Look for pictures when we return.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Ava's 6 Months

Our little pumpkin is getting very big. She is sitting up, has both of her bottom teeth cutting through, gets up on all fours and trys to crawl forward, but doesn't quite have the hang of it yet, is pushing herself backwards all over the floor, and is starting to like solid foods. Boy has time went by way too fast. I guess we have to soak up and enjoy every second of it.
Enjoy the pictures!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Another busy weekend!
Saturday I got up and went to Boot Camp at the Healthy Living Center (which I have been doing for the past 7 weeks now) and then packed the Kyle and Allicia up for a day tubing down the Root River in Lanesburo. We went with another co-worker and her family, Ava stayed home with Grandma Freese and Dave played in a softball tournament in Chatfield. It was a perfect day to be on the river. We had a blast just relaxing and soaking up some sun.
And Sunday we drove over to Plain, WI for the Bauer family reunion on my Dad's side of the family. It was a nice trip and a lot of fun to see some of my cousins and their children. I haven't seen many of them for several years.
Monday, August 3, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009
6 Months and getting very busy!