Yesterday we had our 2nd trimester ultra-sound. It is the big one where they see how the baby is developing, in addition to telling you the sex of the baby, if you would like to know. Well, if you don't already know, David was insistent that we HAD to find out if the baby was a boy or girl. He is horrible with surprises and couldn't fathom the idea of waiting until January to find out. I on the other hand, I really liked having that moment of surprise when the baby is born. But, since I had already done that twice and already have a boy and a girl, it really wasn't that big of a deal found out. So, yesterday was the big day. There was much controversy over if this baby was a boy or girl. Dave and Kyle were convinced that it was a boy, Allicia wanted a boy, and I on the other hand, had a strong feeling it was a girl. In addition to that, with both of my kids, I had strong feelings that they were the sex that they were. We never found out before they were born what their sex was, but I knew throughout each pregnancy that Kyle was a boy, and Allicia was a girl. Well, again I was right......when the ultra-sound technician was looking for the sex, I was not surprised when he told us it was a girl! So Ava Helen it will be. I should also mention, everyone is VERY excited that she is a girl. Kyle thought I was lying at first, and although he REALLY wanted a boy, he said it was fine that she was a girl, as long as she doesn't act like Allicia. Nice, huh?? As for Alli and Dave, they are both very happy. So check out her first real pictures below.

Check out those eyes...she is kind-of freaky looking, don't you think? :)

Here she is talking to us...she was opening and closing her month a was so cool to see.
Here is the indication that she is a they know she is a girl from that, I do not understand.
These are her feet.....I think they look huge!
And last but not least, I had to share this one. If you can't tell, she is poking herself in the eye. It was hilarious to see!
1 comment:
What cool ultrasound pictures! I can't wait to meet her in person!!
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