As I can't sleep early this Thanksgiving morning, I decided to reflect on the many things in life I am grateful for.
I'm Thankful For.....
Our entire family and for each healthy day we have to share with them.
This healthy baby growing in my belly....who is consistently reminding me of her presence as she wiggles around inside me. I can't wait to meet her and welcome her into our life. What a blessing it is to experience pregnancy and motherhood. It truly is a miracle.
The faith of God and the many blessing he has given us.
Memories of good and bad times through life.
The broken roads that brought us to where we are today.
Great friends to walk through the blessings and trials of life.
A warm home and a steady job.
Our freedom and endless possibilities.
There are so many things in life to be thankful for....It is my goal to remind myself of that more and I encourage you to do the same. Not only today but everyday.
I'm looking SO forward to this day to begin!
For my beautiful children to wake up, for us to spend the day baking, making memories and building traditions. In the hopes that they will someday share those memories and traditions with their children.
For the good food we will eat in the presence of our loved ones......thinking about those that cannot be with us and wishing they were here.
I hope all of you have a blessed Thanksgiving filled with many memories. Look for a future post with pictures from our day!
Give Thanks ~ Theresa
Thursday, November 27, 2008
"A" Honor Roll
Way to go Kyle! I am so proud of you! You work very hard to do well in school and to do well in everything you do. Keep up the good work. I am EXTREMELY proud of the young man you're turning out to be. Love Mom!
Monday, November 24, 2008
First Reconciliation
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We Miss You Joni!
Today was family day at Fort Jackson, the Army base where my sister Joni has been for the last 12 weeks. Tomorrow she graduates from Boot Camp or Basic Training. I SO wish I could have traveled down to see her, but it just didn't work out. Fortunately my Mom, Dad, and other two sister's were able to make it. Yeah, it stinks....I am the only one who couldn't go. Needless to say, I have been thinking about them a lot today and will again tomorrow. We are SO very proud of Joni and know she will make a great soldier! Following graduation tomorrow, my Dad will transport Joni to an Army base in Missouri where she will continue her training to be a prison guard. We have been told it is a very intense program and very difficult. She will be home for the first time around Christmas....we can't wait to see her. Way to go Joni! We miss you a lot!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Our Oversized House Guest!

For the next week or so, we have an EXTREMELY large house guest with a drooling problem. My sister Joni is graduating from boot camp at the end of the week. Her dog Lucy (an English Mastiff) has been living with my Dad since she left almost 12 weeks ago. Now, since my Dad is traveling to Fort Jackson for Joni's graduation.....guess who gets to take care of Lucy? You guessed it.....we do! Last night was our first night with Lucy....and it was a long night. Lucy was very home sick and scared of her new home. She barked at every noise and creak throughout the night. In addition to that, Maddie (our dog) insisted on tormenting the poor girl. We're hoping tonight is a better night. As of now, both dogs are resting soundly. I think they had a long day playing....lets hope it lasts! 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yesterday we had our Schmitz women's outing....we went to the musical Wicked! It's playing at the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis. I would highly recommend seeing the show. This was actually my second time seeing's that good! After the show we went to a nice dinner at The Local, a Irish Pub on Nicollet. Below are a few pictures of our entire crew!
The Aunts
The Cousins

Front: Leslie, Bette, Jeri, Sue, and Michelle
(Missing....Jacki and Joni)
Our Daughters
Back: Laura, Morgan, Molly, and Madilyn

Middle: Destiney, Amanda, Lauren, Anna, and Kelsey
Front: Sophia, Allicia, Brynn, and Maria
(Missing....Olivia and Nora)
David's Mom, Nancy and sister Jen were also part of our group, unfortunately they had to leave before we took the pictures.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Our week!
Well, every week is busy and has some sort of excitement, so this week was no different.
Each weekday is pretty similar, school for kids and work for Dave and I, but our evenings tend to be quite busy. After a few weeks off from football practice. Monday, Kyle had his first day of wrestling and as usual Allicia had ballet. Tuesday, Allicia had jazz and I had an evening appointment. Wednesday was busy...Kyle had wrestling and both kids had bible school, followed by much needed grocery shopping. Our excitement for the week occurred
Wednesday, when Kyle had his clothes and shoes stolen while he was at wrestling practice. Thankfully, they caught the kid...who was wearing Kyle's clothes! He was able to get everything back, but his belt. NICE, huh?!? Thursday (today), the kids went with their Dad for supper, while I went to water aerobics. Then Dave took Kyle to sign up for ski club just before picking me up at the fitness center. We arrived at home, just in time to do homework and Dave went to poker night at the neighbors. Last but not least, tomorrow is an early release day for both of the kids. Dave's Dad is planning on sitting with the kids until Grandpa Pete arrives to spend the evening so Dave and I can go to a work outing. Thank goodness for our yahoo calendar!
After looking at our busy schedule, I often wonder how we get it all addition to making meals, reading, homework, french horn practice, etc. But we do...and after seeing the kid's report cards today....we must do it well. Kyle's current GPA is 4.0, earning an A+ in one class, A- in another, and A's in all of the others. Allicia's report card was just as good...she obviously doesn't get letter grades, but it was full of great marks. I am SO proud!
I do have to say, a big thanks must go out to my wonderful husband, who does a great job of being a taxi driver to most events (with little complaining)....along with another big thanks to his parents, who help out in so MANY ways as well! I couldn't do it all without them!
In conclusion....I am so thankful it is almost the weekend, as is the rest of the family.....but we have a lot planned for our weekend as well. All I keep thinking is...what will we do when we have a little one to add to our madness?!?!? It will be an adjustment, that's for sure.
Each weekday is pretty similar, school for kids and work for Dave and I, but our evenings tend to be quite busy. After a few weeks off from football practice. Monday, Kyle had his first day of wrestling and as usual Allicia had ballet. Tuesday, Allicia had jazz and I had an evening appointment. Wednesday was busy...Kyle had wrestling and both kids had bible school, followed by much needed grocery shopping. Our excitement for the week occurred
Wednesday, when Kyle had his clothes and shoes stolen while he was at wrestling practice. Thankfully, they caught the kid...who was wearing Kyle's clothes! He was able to get everything back, but his belt. NICE, huh?!? Thursday (today), the kids went with their Dad for supper, while I went to water aerobics. Then Dave took Kyle to sign up for ski club just before picking me up at the fitness center. We arrived at home, just in time to do homework and Dave went to poker night at the neighbors. Last but not least, tomorrow is an early release day for both of the kids. Dave's Dad is planning on sitting with the kids until Grandpa Pete arrives to spend the evening so Dave and I can go to a work outing. Thank goodness for our yahoo calendar!
After looking at our busy schedule, I often wonder how we get it all addition to making meals, reading, homework, french horn practice, etc. But we do...and after seeing the kid's report cards today....we must do it well. Kyle's current GPA is 4.0, earning an A+ in one class, A- in another, and A's in all of the others. Allicia's report card was just as good...she obviously doesn't get letter grades, but it was full of great marks. I am SO proud!
I do have to say, a big thanks must go out to my wonderful husband, who does a great job of being a taxi driver to most events (with little complaining)....along with another big thanks to his parents, who help out in so MANY ways as well! I couldn't do it all without them!
In conclusion....I am so thankful it is almost the weekend, as is the rest of the family.....but we have a lot planned for our weekend as well. All I keep thinking is...what will we do when we have a little one to add to our madness?!?!? It will be an adjustment, that's for sure.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I just uploaded my latest belly picture....OMG! I knew I have been getting bigger, but seriously I didn't think I had grown that much! Or should I say, Ava had grown that much and to think...we have 11 weeks to go. Do you think my belly stretch anymore!?!?!?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Publishing Day for Allicia
Today Allicia had a publishing day in her classroom. Parents were invited to join their children to help them publish a story they had written. When we arrive the parents were asked to listen to their children read their story, ask them questions about their story, proof read it, and then write it in the final book while the students read it again. After the book was written the students were given time to illustrate their book, and then read it to other parents in the room. We had lots of fun and I was even able to eat lunch with Allicia.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Below are a couple of pictures from last night. Allicia was a dalmatian puppy and Kyle was Dracula.
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