She is also getting very active. She loves to play with her toys and has really taken to this johnny jump up toy we have. It's kind-of like an excersaucer with all the toys around it, but it's actually like a johnny jump up on legs. It's very cool and she loves it. Unfortunately, it takes up most of our living room. No wonder we need a new house, huh?!?! 

She has also started making this face where she sucks on her bottom lip and then blows bubbles. The poor girl's chin is starting to chafe from all the bubble blowing/sucking/and drooling she does. I keep thinking she will get a tooth any day the way she chews on everything, but Allicia was the same way and never got a tooth until she was close to 9 months old. And apparently David did the same thing, so who knows when she will get one. I thankfully invested in a large pack of bibs because we seem to change them several times a day because they are soaking wet. :)

Oh...and one last thing. Her hair seems to have a mind of its own sometimes. From birth she has had this little patch of hair that likes to stand straight up. Check it out. She looks like Alfalfa. I hope it starts to lay down or we may need to adopt a hair-do like Cindy Lou Who.

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