It was a nice hike out to the second cache. We were all hoping that this would be our first successful find...and it was. The cache was hidden in a wooded area on a hill overlooking the lake.
Here is what we found inside it.
It was so much fun to actually find a cache we could open. We're hoping to come up with something unique for us to add to the caches we find...but for now we're just signing the log book to say we've been there. On the way home from we also decided to come up with a team name. Allicia actually thought of a very clever name for us.... The IceBergs. Ice for Freese and Bergs for Bergstrom. Very clever huh???

It was so much fun to actually find a cache we could open. We're hoping to come up with something unique for us to add to the caches we find...but for now we're just signing the log book to say we've been there. On the way home from we also decided to come up with a team name. Allicia actually thought of a very clever name for us.... The IceBergs. Ice for Freese and Bergs for Bergstrom. Very clever huh???
After finding the cache we took come cute pictures of the kids. The first one I posted at the beginning of the post. And below is one of Ava attacking her brother and trying to eat him. Oh...I forgot to mention that while in the woods, Ava managed to grab a stick and ate it. She almost choked on it and of course I was freaking out. I guess the next time we go I need to make sure to hold on to her little hands.

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