Ok, so Theresa is home safe and sound, along with her wonderful husband and new baby girl Ava. She is feeling much better, but she is still in a little pain due to the incision from her surgery....(rightfully so). So Dave is back, by popular demand (even though there were only two followers that commented on the previous blog entry.....which could be good, if only two of you read it and that is what I am going to believe)....anyhow, I was smart and remembered the nuclear passwords that keep this blog safe from terrorists, Al Qaida, computer hackers, Bin Laden, O.J. Simpson, Bonnie and Clyde, or any other person or persons that would use this blog for part of their evil plans. We were able to be discharged from Methodist Hospital today at 11:30am and we were home by 11:45am. I have to say it was great to be home. Ava did really well on the car ride home and if todays journey is any indication of how future rides in the car will go, we will be just fine to go on trips. Upon getting home, the dogs (Maddie--our English Bulldog and Roxy--Dave's parent's Boxer) were at the top of the stairs wagging their tails in excitement. Roxy stood on her hind legs to try and sneak a peek into the car seat as Dave sat down on the couch. Maddie was rather curious as well. She shoved her face into Ava's face and began to sniff her to get her scent. After the dogs were able to have their time to sniff and get acquainted with baby Ava, we took her to her new room and showed her around her new home. I do have to comment at this point, that Theresa had bought an outfit to bring Ava home in (which I love as well) but being Ava was 21 and 1/2 inches long, the outfit is rather tight on her. We might have to start putting Ava in 0-3 month clothes due to her length. As the kids came home from school, each wanted a turn to hold Ava and spend time with her on the couch. It is cute to watch them snuggle with her on the couch and fight over who's turn it is to hold her. The kids did bring up Allicia's baby book and began comparing her baby pictures to Ava's baby pictures. I have to say there is a great resembleance. I want to get my baby photo album and compare some of my baby pictures as I feel like she has my eyes and nose. Allicia did have a round face like Ava, but Theresa believes their noses and eyes are different. Well, I will be posting some pictures with this blog as I get ready to sign off. Theresa is getting hungry so I will be preparing supper soon. I know, I know....I hear it all the time....I am so amazing and wonderful....Theresa tells me everyday how lucky she is.....Well, I have to say that I am very lucky to have Theresa as well. She is an amazing person. I hope she knows how much I love her and care about her. She just gave me the best gift in the world....a beautiful, healthy, happy little girl. I am excited to watch Ava grow and I will post more pictures of our family on here, as I have kept the nuclear passwords to this blog in a safe place.....and for a moment, yes, only a moment thought it would be funny to change the passwords, but that thought has passed....and until next time, I hope that you all get a chance to come and visit baby Ava. Take care.