Okay....so today's post comes to you from Dave....since Theresa is unable to get to the computer to write...Daddy Dave gets to finally get in a few words. Unfortunately, Dave has not had access to the nuclear passwords that protect this blog from terrorists and computer hackers all over the world. So, with that being said, Theresa willingly gave up the passwords so her daily blog could be read by all of her faithful followers. Not sure if she has as many followers as the McDonalds lady AKA...MyCharmingKids....(I am sure you know the one I am talking about, with McNugget, Small fry, Mc Flurry, Mc Milkshake, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder with cheese, etc., etc., etc.) Anyhow, Ava Helen Freese was born on January 26th, 2009 at 9:28am (for those of you that don't know, Helen is after Theresa's paternal grandmother who also happened to be born on January 26th....and Dave's maternal great-grandmother was also named Helen). She is absolutely gorgeous. Ava has blue eyes and lots of dark brown hair and a little reddish tinge. She tipped the scales at a whopping 9lbs, 8oz. and was 21.5 inches long. So far, many friends and family members have come to visit....we love having company, so please do stop by. Ava is a great addition to the Freese family and I know she will be as excited to meet all of you...as you are to meet her. If you have enjoyed today's post, please send the appropriate comments as Dave could possibly get the nuclear passwords again to write another post. Until then....we wish nothing but the best to you and your families....as we are very blessed. Take care. The Freeses.
Finally, she`s there!!!!
I am so glad that everything went smooth!!!
btw: Atomic Password is awesome!!!!
Dave - you are seriously hilarious!!! I love your added dramatics!
this gives me a rash
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